14-Dec-93 23:20:02-GMT,43181;000000000001 Return-Path: Received: by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0) id AA22534; Tue, 14 Dec 93 14:48:59 PST Full-Name: Info-Mac Moderator Message-Id: <9312142248.AA22534@CAMIS.Stanford.EDU> Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 23:09:32 PST From: The Moderators Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #239 To: info-mac-list Info-Mac Digest Mon, 13 Dec 93 Volume 11 : Issue 239 Today's Topics: [*] biola-bolo-map.cpt.hqx [*] cessna-simulation-032.hqx [*] Chinese Poker 1.0.1 [*] Final Chance 1.0 (INIT) [*] Final Chance 1.0 (source code) [*] Informer 1.0 beta 2 [PLANET SOFTWARE] [*] Jotto ][ 1.0 (source code) [*] Jotto ][ 1.0 (word game) [*] Keep It Up 1.0 [*] sAVe the Disk 1.2.1 [*] Scarecrow file [*] ScreenSnap2-4.hqx [*] tihts.hqx (Q) Modem 660av SIG Biblography software for Word (A) CD Audio Connector in Quadra 610 ClarisWorks 2.0 capabilitie CR-Rom : which standards will survive ? Damaged floppies Dayna SCSI/Link III Global Vilage Support (R) Global Village (C2) Hard Drive Leftovers LaCie LC upgrades? mac viruses...unix viruses? MO Drive Suggestions? New Hard Drive Needed (Q) PACo product Quadra 610 reset button (A) Quadra 610 restart and debugger buttons Quadra 660AV info (summary) Quadra 840AV RAM Re> Included Message on Apple sAVe the disk bugs slide maker Software buying help Steam Tables Stress testing app called Porky ? Value 040 Watermarks (C) Word Oddities Word temp files and recovery The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts and Liam Breck. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu []. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help. Mail articles for inclusion in the digest to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu. Send binaries to be placed in the archives to macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu. Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1993 22:08:22 PST From: John Saxton Subject: [*] biola-bolo-map.cpt.hqx This is a Bolo map of the campus of Biola University in La Mirada, CA. This map was created by Biola undergraduate computer science major Graham Best, using Photoshop, Bolotomy, BMAPEdit, and BoloStar, and has been extensively beta-tested and approved by scores of resident students trying to avoid studying by playing Bolo on the dorm network. This map was scanned from a campus map in the University course catalog, colorized in Photoshop, converted to a Bolo map by Bolotomy, and extensively retouched in BoloStar and BMAPEdit. It is a highly accurate representation of the university, even to the placement of trees. If you have any questions or comments about this map, please send them to the map's author, Graham Best . Biola is a Christian university with about 3000 students in 5 schools, including the undergraduate school of Arts and Sciences, Talbot School of Theology, Rosemead School of Psychology, the School of Intercultural Studies, and the all-new School of Business. If you have any questions about Biola University, please contact the postmaster , and he'll get you in touch with the right people. [Archived as /info-mac/game/bolo/biola-map.hqx; 9K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Dec 93 13:29:49 PST From: swaka@lynx.Stanford.EDU (Sean Wakayama) Subject: [*] cessna-simulation-032.hqx Cessna Simulation is a flight simulator depicting dynamic motions of the Cessna 172. This is an engineering simulation solving 6 degree of freedom aircraft motion. Data recording abilities of the simulator allow users to output flight data for plotting or analysis. This new version, 0.3b2, corrects bugs that caused crashes on some machines. Users should have a Mac with 68020 or better CPU, an FPU, and 4 MB memory. [Archived as /info-mac/sci/cessna-simulation-032.hqx; 143K] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1993 17:09:20 -0800 From: David Blume Subject: [*] Chinese Poker 1.0.1 Chinese Poker 1.0.1 Requires: MacTCP, At least one other mac connected on a network. Chinese Poker 1.0.1 is an interactive network card game for 2 to 4 players. It is addictive and easy to learn. (The goal is to discard your cards in the form of valid poker hands before your opponents do.) A 60 point game is a perfect 10 minute break. Revision Notes: 1.0.1 + User interface corrections. + System 6.X compatability. (Some cards were invisible under System 6.) + May use either host names or addresses in the "Connect" dialog. Freeware by David Blume. [Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/chinese-poker-101.hqx; 97K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 05:11:04 -0500 (EST) From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: [*] Final Chance 1.0 (INIT) Final Chance is a combination of fluff and utility. On one hand, it gives you a random quote on shutdown, which is pretty useless, really. On the other hand, it gives you a final chance to decide if you really want to shut your Macintosh down, or if you want to exit to the Finder. This INIT is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License; complete C source code will be uploaded to the archive sites. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author for a copy of the INIT, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author. The address is f8dy@netaxs.com. This INIT should work on all Macintoshes under either system 6 or 7, but I can't say I've tested it under all environments. Please report any bugs, comments, and suggestions to f8dy@netaxs.com. Final Chance 1.0 is copyright 1993, Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/final-chance-10.hqx; 23K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 05:11:34 -0500 (EST) From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: [*] Final Chance 1.0 (source code) Final Chance is a combination of fluff and utility. On one hand, it gives you a random quote on shutdown, which is pretty useless, really. On the other hand, it gives you a final chance to decide if you really want to shut your Macintosh down, or if you want to exit to the Finder. This INIT is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License. This archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code and project files for the INIT. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author for a copy of the control panel, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author. The address is f8dy@netaxs.com. This code demonstrates the basics of INIT installation, shut down procedures, and loading dialog resources at INIT time to use later on. Final Chance 1.0 is copyright 1993, Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group. [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/final-chance-10-c.hqx; 39K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Dec 93 16:43:54 CST From: Spectreman Subject: [*] Informer 1.0 beta 2 [PLANET SOFTWARE] This is that program that lets you leave voice messages for co-workers on your Mac. It makes your Mac ring like a telephone too! This new beta version has all but one minor bug fixed, and it has a cooler interface now. Definitely check it out! Kenji Takeuchi [Archived as /info-mac/app/informer-10b2.hqx; 354K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1993 18:02:14 -0500 (EST) From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: [*] Jotto ][ 1.0 (source code) Jotto ][ is a simple word game based on logic and frustration. The computer will pick a 5- or 6-letter word from a 2000+ word database, and you have 15 tries to guess it. You will get feedback on how many letters in your guess are in the actual word, but beware: each guess must be a valid word, or you will or you will not get any feedback about it at all. Jotto ][ is the sequel to Jotto and Jotto Deluxe, featuring better graphics, more sounds, animation, the ability to play with either 5- or 6-letter words, the ability to learn new words if desired, and better "about" boxes. It supports color, grayscale, and B/W monitors and works under system 6 or 7. (For technical reasons, sounds may require system 6.0.7 or later.) Please e-mail comments and suggestions to the author at f8dy@netaxs.com. This game is distributed under the GNU General Public License. This archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code and related project files. It also contains the source to another application used to set up Jotto's self- integrity checker. The code in this archive demonstrates handling events, menus, apple events, a prefs file, Gestalt environment checking, hierarchical menus, dialogs, windows, standard file dialogs, and the soon-to-be-famous "cough to continue" modal dialog filter proc. None of this is very well commented, but feel free to direct any questions to f8dy@netaxs.com. Jotto ][ 1.0 is copyright 1993 Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group. [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/jotto-ii-10-c.hqx; 464K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1993 18:00:32 -0500 (EST) From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: [*] Jotto ][ 1.0 (word game) Jotto ][ is a simple word game based on logic and frustration. The computer will pick a 5- or 6-letter word from a 2000+ word database, and you have 15 tries to guess it. You will get feedback on how many letters in your guess are in the actual word, but beware: each guess must be a valid word, or you will or you will not get any feedback about it at all. Jotto ][ is the sequel to Jotto and Jotto Deluxe, featuring better graphics, more sounds, animation, the ability to play with either 5- or 6-letter words, the ability to learn new words if desired, and better "about" boxes. Jotto ][ is distributed under the GNU General Public License; complete source code will be uploaded to the archive sites in a separate archive. It supports color, grayscale, and B/W monitors and works under system 6 or 7. (For technical reasons, sounds may require system 6.0.7 or later.) Please e-mail comments and suggestions to the author at f8dy@netaxs.com. Jotto ][ 1.0 is copyright 1993 Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group. [Archived as /info-mac/game/jotto-ii-10.hqx; 346K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 13:20:59 +0100 From: Karl.Pottie@uz.kuleuven.ac.be (Karl Pottie) Subject: [*] Keep It Up 1.0 Keep It Up version 1.0 (c) by Karl Pottie Are you tired of getting the "The Application xxx has unexpectedly quit because an error of type zz occurred" message ? Are you depending on this application to keep running at all times, even when you're away ? Then you should investigate "Keep It Up" (KIU), the new utility from the author of Autoboot. What does Keep It Up do ? KIU watches certain applications and monitors if they are still running. If an application no longer runs because it "unexpectedly quit" or because the user quit it, KIU will attempt to relaunch this application or restart the computer. This will ensure that your application is always running and available. This is especially important for all kinds of server applications. Keep It Up requires System 7. This is $30 shareware. Karl Pottie e-mail: karl@uz.kuleuven.ac.be [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/keep-it-up-10.hqx; 139K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 13:12:40 +0100 From: Michael Thies Subject: [*] sAVe the Disk 1.2.1 December 13, 1993 The enclosed file is a bin-hexed/compact-pro archive. I am the author of this FreeWare system extension, which I call "sAVe the Disk". This file contains version 1.2.1 of sAVe the Disk which supersedes the previous version 1.1. sAVe the Disk 1.2.1 fixes two deficiencies of the AV Macs: It speeds up certain Resource Manager operations and prevents extra disk activity before and after sounds are played. sAVe the Disk works on Centris/Quadra 660av and Quadra 840av. It requires System 7.1 and version 1.0 or 1.1 of the System Enabler 088. Although sAVe the Disk has not caused me any trouble I'm not responsible for any (unlikely) problems you may experience. This updated version adds compatibility with the 1.0 Enabler and does not rely on the system's disk cache in any way. Thanks to everybody who reported problems and/or helped in testing this improved release. Best regards, Michael Thies. (andymon@uni-paderborn.de) [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/save-the-disk-121.hqx; 14K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 13:06:12 -0500 From: michael.dautermann@umich.edu Subject: [*] Scarecrow file "The Scarecrow talks about Macs, software and related topics. This stack has color, sounds, and animation. Best used with 640x480 color screens, but the text can be read on small B&W screens. Works best if HyperCard can be given 2 or 3 megs of memory." boba@gagme.chi.il.us \ "I post to the net since they took away my crayons." [Archived as /info-mac/info/scarecrow-file.hqx; 708K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1993 2:42:47 PST From: Vaughan Johnson Subject: [*] ScreenSnap2-4.hqx ScreenSnap2-4.hqx San Francisco, CA, 9 December 1993: posting: ScreenSnap 2.4 screen capture shareware Here's a new release of the shareware screen capture utility, ScreenSnap(TM) version 2.4 for the Macintosh(R), included with this message. ScreenSnap 2.4 supercedes ScreenSnap 2.3, released in June 1992. I have since dissolved Knowledge Source, Inc., so send suggestions and questions directly to me now, at the address below. ScreenSnap 2.4 lets you take a snapshot of any rectangular portion of the Macintosh screen and save it in a window for later use. Once created, the snapshot can be inverted, moved, saved as a PICT file, copied to the Clipboard (and pasted into applications), printed, or just left hanging around on-screen for reference. Because ScreenSnap uses PICT format for its files, it can read the output of most drawing programs, and be used as a PICT file viewer. You can get pixel dimension information on any PICT file (width, height, and depth). ScreenSnap handles color, multiple monitors (including snapping across monitors), and multiple screensnaps. A screensnap can be dragged from any point in its window. Vaughan Johnson 59 Rosewood Drive San Francisco, CA 94127 email (INTERNET): vjohnson@sumex-aim.stanford.edu [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/screen-snap-24.hqx; 164K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 15:16:20 +0100 From: claros@biologie.ens.fr (Manuel CLAROS) Subject: [*] tihts.hqx TihTs implemented a new strategy for predicting transmembrane domains of proteins and their putative topology when their localisation is the bacte- rial inner membrane, the eucaryotic plasma membrane, and less accurately, the mitochondrial and cloroplast outer membrane. The algorithm has been described for baterial proteins in G. von Heijne, J. Mol.Biol 255,487-494 (1992), and for eucaryotic membranes in Sipos & von Heijne, Eur. J. Biochem. 213,1333-1340. The program was first developed by G. von Heijne, and later modidfied by myself with the permission of GvH. Manuel G. Claros [Archived as /info-mac/sci/tihts.hqx; 69K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 15:24:27 -0500 From: lonadar@judy.indstate.edu (Lonadar the Wanderer) Subject: (Q) Modem I was one of apperantly many who purchased the LineLink 144e modem. However, after using a 1200 baud modem for my connection the the university's UNIX machine, I am lost about how to configure my ZModem transfers. I'm connecting at 2400 baud using ZTerm. I used to use the following: sz -rul 512 w 2048 And it worked fine. However, now I am spouting 3 retries a second and a high 'bps' of 19%. Could someone please lead me in the right direction as to how I can get the transfers to operate correctly? Also, now that I have a faster modem, it includes lots more initilization options. I just used to use 'atx5m0'. It is Hayes-compatable... Could anyone suggest what sort of options I should add to my string? Replies in Mail would be appreciated, though digest replies are fine. Thanks! Victor E Aldridge III Lonadar the Wanderer lonadar@judy.indstate.edu ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 20:31:37 -0700 From: daspit@lynx.colorado.edu (John Daspit, C.U. LASP, (303)492-6951) Subject: 660av SIG Hi, Can anyone point me to an information source on the new software being developed specifically for the AV machines? Thanks mucho, JD Univ of Colo. ------------------------------ Date: 13 Dec 1993 20:23:39 GMT From: nodine@lcs.mit.edu (Mark H. Nodine) Subject: Biblography software for Word (A) I wrote a Shareware program to do bibliographics and cross-referencing with Microsoft Word. It's called WordRef, the latest (released) version is 1.4.1, and it lives on the archives at sumex. --Mark -- E-mail: nodine@mcrc.mot.com ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 10:57:47 MET-1 From: KITTEL@ibf.rwth-aachen.de Subject: CD Audio Connector in Quadra 610 Hi Netters, When I recently opened my new Quadra 610 I discovered a 4 pin connector labelled "CD Audio". Is it possible to use this connector for external sound input (with a selfmade cable)? Thanks, Stefan kittel@ibf.rwth-aachen.de ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 09:43 GMT0 From: Pindar Infotek Ltd Subject: ClarisWorks 2.0 capabilitie >From Pindar user Ian McCall Subject: _ClarisWorks 2.0 capabilities I'm trying to find the capabilities of ClarisWorks 2's database. Specifically, I'd like to know whether you can design a form which contains checkboxes, similar to Filemaker Pro. I'd also like to know how to go about designing a form which may contain a variable number of records. It's a sales form I'm trying to put together for my brother-in-law's company, and as such it may contain a different number of items sold each time. I -could- just create a form with an arbitrary limit, but it would be more elegant if there was a method involving some form of extendable list. I'm using ClarisWorks 1.0b at the moment, as bundled with the Performa 400 (hence no full documentation). Cheers, Ian --- Please make 'Attn:Ian McCall' the first line of your reply (not the subject) to ensure automatic forwarding to the correct Pindar user. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 10:03:02 +0100 From: JRSchmitt@masi.ibp.fr (Jean-Roch SCHMITT) Subject: CR-Rom : which standards will survive ? Dear fellow Netters, As we are more and more suggested to buy CD-Rom drives and disks, I think we should be aware of compatibility issues. In particular if the PowerPC KIND_OF PC-Mac "merging" eventually results in the availability of only one kind of product. What I want to avoid is to buy something I should trash in some months. First, I understand that there are at least two information formats : Mac-HFS or ISO 9660. Are the current drives capable of reading both ? Second, will the current drives' interface be compatible with the expected future machines standards (SCSI 1 or 2) ? Third, what about recordable CD-Roms or MiniDiscs ? Fourth, if the disks must be specially "formatted" to be read at 2x/3x speed , which speed is to be the standard (4x, 5x, ...) ? Then, I need your opinion/information on these topics and others that you think is relevant. Thanks for your help. Jean-Roch SCHMITT ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 10:57:47 EST From: Pete Tamas Subject: Damaged floppies The problems you are having are not caused by things that Norton fixes. At the time Norton came out, First Aid HFS (now called 911 utilities) did a good job on this. Most likely you have a bad sector right where your directory is. Even MacTools and Public Utilities will do a better job than Norton. Try to unerase the files without fixing any directories. Sometimes when you fix a directory in this case, the "fixed" directory will misrepresent where one file leaves off and one begins. I have seen files where data >From two files were combined into one file after Public Utilities "fixed" the directory. In fairness, in this case the damaged files made everything else crash so with Public Utilities I was able to get SOMETHING back. Never- theless, in this type of situation, do not fix the directory until you have fixed everything else.-Pete Tamas Gnome@VM.Temple.edu or TempleVM.bitnet On Mon, 13 Dec 1993 09:43:53 +0100 Timon Fliervoet said: >Dear netters, > >I have a serious problem with a floppie disks, of which (how terribly bad) >I did not make a back-up of. The disk contains some Mac-Draw files which >are needed for an article. > >The problem: The disk is not readable, the finder gives a message whether I >want to initialize > >Running Norton Disk Doctor give me the message: Catalog Tree bad data mark >check sum, can't read BTree header invalid tree depth. Invalid number of >catalog nodes. >Norton couldnot fix the problem. > >With Diskdoctor I tried to recover what is left on the disk, I tried to >recover all resources files. Doing so I retrieved a list of files all but >three starting with a double question mark (??) and ending with a lot of >numbers, e.g.: >?? creep-instron844835070 > >The recoverability was listed as poor, but doing the recovery all files >appeared as MacDraw files in a folder on my hard disk. So far so good > >But, in trying to open these files with MacDraw, the computer freezes and I >have to restart. > >Using resedit, I got the message: The resource map is incosistent with that >operation (-199). >Trying to verify the files: Sorry this fiel is damaged beyond repair, You >should restore a backup copy, if possible (pretty bad hu?) > >Can anyone help me in retrieving my files or is this impossible. All help >is welcome, > >TIA, cheers Timon > >------------------------------------------------ >Timon Fliervoet, Timonf@earth.ruu.nl, Institute of Earth Sciences, >Department of Geology, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80.021 3508 TA >Utrecht, the Netherlands. tel: (0)30 - 535054, fax: (0)30 - 537725 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 18:03:27 -0500 From: Robert Scott Lillard Subject: Dayna SCSI/Link III Since I have done my share of whining about products and the Beavises that support them ... being the holidays and all I decided to pass along a pleasant (albeit rare) story of some outstanding customer support I recently received from Dayna Communications. To make a long story short the DaynaPort SCSI/Link III I bought in Sept. was about as dead as a door nail. So I called Dayna and spoke with a tech by the name of John Bergerson. He went through the standard questions (did you install the software correctly, run the diagnostics, "ping" your IP address etc...). At this point he told me to send the bad-boy back. I did and two weeks later I received a brandspankingnew SCSI/Link III (new ser. # and all), and it worked. Not only that but that afternoon Dayna (John) calls me to see if the problem is solved ... at this point I want to marry the guy :-) but it gets better ... five or so days latter he calls me again (currently I am planning the honeymoon!@ ;-) great support guys scott ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 14:17:36 +0200 From: dittmer@fokus.uke.uni-hamburg.de (Ulf Dittmer) Subject: Global Vilage Support (R) Hi netters, couldn't resist to post in a recent experience I had with GV's support via e-mail. I mailed them to ask how much the TelePort Gold does actually cost and how I could order one and pay for it electronically. No response. Didn't want support or ehlp, just want support or help, just buy a product of them. Apparently they are not interested in that kind of affairs. It's no wonder the mass is after the MacWareHouse thing. Pity, I liked the TelePort Bronze a lot and it worked always flawlessly. Just my DM 0.03 worth opinion. Greetings, Ulf dittmer@uke.uni-hamburg.de ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 20:27:39 EST From: "Allan M. Bloom" Subject: Global Village (C2) Folks, my note about Global Village technical support the other day got me a bunch of good information from a bunch of good folk, not the least of whom was Scott Simon of Global Village. Scott told me that I should have sent my queries to TECHSUPPORT@GLOBALVILLAG.COM instead of the address in the manual (GLOBALVILLAG@APPLELINK.APPLE.COM). They also have an anonymous ftp site (PMAIL.GLOBALVILLAG.COM) for the latest software. Scott apologized for the manual. We have kissed and made up. I assume Scott's information will be of use to y'all. I also got a couple notes from people who were utterly aghast that I'd have the temerity to say naughty things about Global Village. They have not heard from me. If you can't spell "stupid bastard" properly, I will not respond. That's my policy, folks. Lordy buck! I reported. Three notes to GV at their published internet address went unanswered. I don't believe I missed an address correction in the disk's README, but I could be wrong. Certainly no one has called me on it. One colleague chided me for not RYFM-ing before "flaming" a fine firm like GV. That chap has obviously never met me. Leslye threw a proper fit when the GV Gold arrived and I spent two hours reading and re-reading the manual before even giving a thought to hooking it up. As my boss's boss says, "Al isn't any genius. He just reads the manual." Al Bloom, Virginia Tech [Personally, I don't think Global Village is so hot. I bought two Gold modems at a fairly high price due to their good reputation on the net. They were to be used as AppleTalk Remote Access servers. Unfortunately, due to a ROM bug, about 5% of the time after they hung up the phone, they would go into dead-as-mutton mode. This took months to work out with their tech support people, which is fair enough, I suppose, given the cursed nature of most modems. The worst part started when they offered us a full refund. We shipped the modems back right away. Then we waited and waited for the check, getting nothing but the runaround. After more than three months of calling and being told that the check would arrive "this week", "tomorrow", and "very soon now", I was hung up on by the receptionist after demanding to speak to a manager. You see, they needed to clear the lines so that other happy customers could call in. Finally we did get the check but they did not refund the sales tax (close to $100 on these modems in this high tax state). I gave up at that point because it just was not worth the hassle and aggravation they caused me. They did tell me they would send another check, but it never arrived. Now I use Practical Peripherals 14400FXMT modems and recommend them highly. I just bought the $99 LineLink modem but have not had a chance to put it though its paces yet. I would not use Global Village again. -Bill] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 09:54:01 -0600 From: adamh@merle.acns.nwu.edu (Adam Hauerwas) Subject: Hard Drive Leftovers Okay, I asked earlier here what internal hard drives y'all buy. I only got a couple of responses, but two came in with good things to say about LaCie. Anyway, next year I'm looking to upgrade ~30 hard drives, from 20's and 40's to 170MB or more. What can I do with the leftover drives? I know I can buy external cases for each -- but that hardly seems worth it (one case per drive for 30 drives, only to add an additional 40MB to someone's station). Are there enclosures that have two or three SCSI connectors, so I can build up to a 120MB external with three 40MB internals? What I think would be neat is for someone to build a RAID enclosure for these. Sure, they're old 40's that will die soon, but if I could take ten of those and make a 400MB RAID level 0 or 1, that would make a nice drive for a smaller file server.... Thanks in advance. ---- Adam Hauerwas, Macintosh Specialist | adamh@merle.acns.nwu.edu Duff & Phelps Financial Consulting | 55 E. Monroe, Ste. 3600, Chicago 60603 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 15:52:35 EST From: humphreb@GVSU.EDU (BRUCE HUMPHREY) Subject: LaCie To all, If the latest note regarding LaCie's (nonexistent) repair support for its own products is true and accurate, I think it would do us all well to organize a LaCie boycott. If the story proves out, you can be sure I (being a primary Mac purchasing advisor on this campus and to numerous external users) WON'T be recommending their products. In fact, I'll actively encourage buyers to look elsewhere whenever I'm asked for recommendations or overhear discussions along those lines. Hanging's too good for 'em. Bruce humphreb@gvsu.edu ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 15:54:26 -0500 From: david james foremsky Subject: LC upgrades? A few questions on upgrading a Mac LC (the original)- 1. Is the upgrade to an LC III still offered? 2. Would simply adding memory (I have 4 MB now) increase performance at all? 3. What accelerators are recommended? or 4. Should I just sell it to my sister and buy a new LC 475? thanks in advance, dave foremsky ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 16:03:34 -0500 From: page@osiris.phy.uqam.ca (Christian Page) Subject: mac viruses...unix viruses? Hi everybody! I'm a mac user, and I know about viruses. Thanks to Disinfectant to protect us against these malicious programs!!! What I'd like to know if is there also viruses that could spread on my unix box, like on the mac???? I've never heard of unix viruses, but do they exists??? Thanks for replies!! Christian Page page@phy.uqam.ca ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 17:40:31 -0600 (CST) From: "Mark Dohm, UW-P Information Technology" Subject: MO Drive Suggestions? Hey fellow netters, I need opinions and suggestions for 3.5" Magneto-Optical Drives for student multimedia (quicktime, etc.) work. They would be used to store student projects and probably for playback as well (to some extent). Thanks, Mark. 8^) AOL: MarkMAD ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 10:57:13 PST From: Tom_M._Morrissey.LAX1B@xerox.com Subject: New Hard Drive Needed (Q) Over this past weekend I was unfortunate to have my hard drive die on me. It was a 5 year old MicroNet 46MB drive. Rather than pay to have it fixed I have decided to purchase a new drive and have found two interesting deals. La Cie has their 170MB Tsunami drive for $239 and APS has a 170MB SR2000 drive for $289. Both use the Quantum 170ELS mechanism. Is there any advise on either of these drives (or companies)? (I know MacUser has a review of drives in the upcoming March issue, but I can`t wait!) Reply directly to me and I will summarize for the net. Thanks, Tom M. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 14:50:12 +0100 From: Frank.Roussel@univ-rennes1.fr ( Frank ROUSSEL ) Subject: PACo product Do you know where it's available ? Thanks in advance The responsible of ASTROGOF project at Rennes' University of France F.ROUSSEL ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 DEC 93 09:40:18 GMT From: EFE@V1.PH.QMW.AC.UK Subject: Quadra 610 reset button (A) I had a gratifying number of replies to my query about reset and interrupt buttons on the Quadra 610. I will now wipe the egg off my face, having found the subtly-hidden buttons on the back of the machine. I should have read the manual more carefully - it's in there, though not very prominently. Cheers, Eric Eisenhandler ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 21:05:41 -0800 (PST) From: Donnie Williams Subject: Quadra 610 restart and debugger buttons I believe that these two buttons are located on the back panel of the Quadra 610 on the left side, directly across from the Macintosh Quadra 610 face label. They are really small, so look carefully. If possible, try to get a direct back view to locate them, but they are there. Donnie Williams (williado@darkwing.ece.orst.edu) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 16:24:48 EST From: Bill Harrigan Subject: Quadra 660AV info (summary) This may not be elaborate, but I had a couple of request to post my findings... The Quadra 660AV can record to/from a vcr without any expansion boards, although only at 15-25 frames per second as opposed to the standard 30. The built-in modem that you use through the Geoport adapter has a throughput of 14.4kbps as opposed to the stated 9.6kbps. None of the existing Macs support the Audiovision Monitor through a direct connection...that is why it comes bundled with an adapter. While you are digitizing video, the application that handles this takes precedence over everything else, so you can't watch video in one window while working in an application in another window. The AV works great as an answering machine, however the hands-free phone makes you sound like you are talking through a tube to the person on the other end of the line. ***If anyone would care to add to this or even dispute anything stated, your information would be more than welcomed. *I would also like to thank the few people that took the time to answer my questions*. Bill Harrigan WHAR0739@uriacc.uri.edu The University of Rhode Island ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 19:34:20 -0800 (PST) From: Donnie Williams Subject: Quadra 840AV RAM No, you are not out of luck with having to put RAM in the 840AV in banks. You can buy a 4MB 72-pin simm for your machine, or better yet,how about an 8 or 16. Speech Recognition is really ram hungry, so buy as much as you can afford. You can insert any combination of simms into the banks of the all new macs. No more "banking" of RAM. Donnie Williams (williado@darkwing.ece.orst.edu) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 16:19:26 +0000 From: LCDRB Wright Subject: Re> Included Message on Apple (FLAME ON) I very strongly object to the inclusion of this message in issue 237 of the Info-Mac digest. Info-Mac is a moderated digest whose sole purpose is to provide a forum for Mac enthusiasts to discuss problems and concerns dealing with the Macintosh. This forum is not meant to be an opportunity for individuals to advocate their own personal beliefs (no matter what they are). There are certainly much more appropriate forums for you to post such a messge. In the future please limit your posts to things that deal with the Macintosh. (FLAME OFF) Brian Wright wright@dcseq.uscga.edu ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 14:44:03 -0600 From: ddkilzer@iastate.edu (David D Kilzer) Subject: sAVe the disk bugs M.B.B.Bointon@lut.ac.uk (mbb Bointon) writes: >I have found that sAVe-the-disk breaks the effects part of the sound control >panel, and also the AV DSP Power Photoshop plug-in on my 840AV. >Removing sAVe-the-disk restores things to normal, but obviously does not deal >with the problems that s-t-d deals with. I have version 1.2 of sAVe the Disk installed on my Centris 660av and haven't found that the Effects in the Sound control panel are affected. (I don't think the Effects setting remains in effect after I reboot, though I'm not sure about this.) You can write the author of sAVe the Disk, Michael Thies, at andymon@uni-paderborn.de. He states in the ReadMe file: I am always interested in comments, suggestions and bug reports (sigh). Dave -- ddkilzer@iastate.edu ------------------------------ Date: 13 Dec 93 16:52:10 U From: "Monika Kress" Subject: slide maker slide maker 3:40 PM 12/13/93 Does anyone know the phone number of the Montage manufacturer of slide (film) generators? or, of a distributor? I need to get a price quote for purchasing one. Thanks. Please respond directly to " mkress@turnpike.dot.ca.gov " Monika Kress Caltrans Sacramento, CA ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1993 00:00:22 -0600 From: (Pete Chane) Subject: Software buying help I am using a GeoPort to send FAXes. I need some better FAX software to manage my FAX transmissions. Basically, I need to keep track of FAXes according to docuement and recepient. Apple's software does not track things this way. It would be even better if I could get some FAX software to plug into Now Contact to show me FAX activity per contact entry. Delrina's MacFAX Pro any good or FAXstf? Thanks for your help and Happy Holidays! PETER CHANE PCHANEUW@macc.wisc.edu PCHANE@applelink.apple.com I will be gone from 12/18/93 to 1/22/94. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 08:24:28 CST From: beatty%twdd02.dme.nt.gov.au@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU (Linda Beatty PAWA Library 827916) Subject: Steam Tables Hello, We are seeking thermodynamic tables for water and steam in SI (metric units). It is preferable for these tables to be suitable for a Macinstosh computer. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Linda. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1993 01:28:49 GMT From: devon_hubbard@taligent.com (Devon Hubbard) Subject: Stress testing app called Porky ? In article <2ehpk6$hct@convx1.lerc.nasa.gov>, sshws@lerc.nasa.gov (Herb Schilling) wrote: > > Hello, > > I remember reading somewhere a ( long ) while ago that there was an > application called Porky(?) that grabs disk space and memory to simulate > low memory and disk space conditions for stress testing an app. > I can't find this app anywhere. Is it still around ? Or is there > -- > Herb Schilling , NASA Lewis Research Center , 21000 Brookpark Road, MS 142-4 > Cleveland, Ohio 44135 . (216) 433-8955 sshws@convx1.lerc.nasa.gov For a very good Macintosh stress testing tool, get QC(tm) from Onyx Technology. It performs application stress testing with numerous tests that include heap scrambles, purges, checks, invalidate free blocks, block bounds checking, verify handles/ptrs, verify ReleaseResource/DisposeHandle parameters, BlockMove bounds checking, Write to zero, deref zero, etc., etc., etc. QC is much faster than other tools (e.g. Macsbug, TMON Pro, and The Debugger) that perform comparable tests (like heap scrambles) and it's much easier to use with it's Control Panel interface. A full API is supplied for those who want to control it from their code. Onyx Technology can be reached at 'onyxtech@aol.com' or (813) 795-7801. Devon Hubbard Silicon Pilot devon_hubbard@taligent.com Taligent, Inc ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 13:40:03 +0000 (GMT) From: "G.J. Berry APEME (Microelectronics) ext 4570 " Subject: Value 040 Hello all, Recently in MacUser UK there has been an advertisement for a new accelerator board from Daystar for the LC, called the Value 040. It is listed as "coming soon to your local dealer", which in Britain usually means that it has already been launched in the US. I have been reading with interest the comments about Apple's upgrade to the LC475 from the LC II and LC III and the need for another power supply if this board is to work on an original LC. Daystar are advertising their upgrade for the LC, LCII, and several Performas. Has anyone had any experience of this accelerator, (if indeed it is available at the moment)? I would not like to spend a substantial sum of money on an accelerator board and find it melts my power supply or something after a week or so! I do not expect it would cause problems given Daystar's reputation but I'd like to be sure anyway. Also, does anyone know if there is, or will be, a version with a coprocessor? I assume that the standard Value 040 will have an 040 Lite processor, which doesn't have a built in FPU, and some of my software needs one. Please reply by e-mail (gjberry@uk.ac.dundee.dux) and I will summarise. Thanks in advance, Graham Berry University of Dundee Scotland ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 15:20:55 -0600 From: forbes@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu (Graeme Forbes) Subject: Watermarks (C) Following up John Thoo's comments about FullWrite's capabilities, you can do watermarks very easily with any program that divides each page of text into a foreground and a background (usually called "master") page. For each template that you use you can duplicate the master for the title page, say, and create a watermark on it. I use CricketDraw 3 to create grayscale rotated text on FrameMaker master pages, for instance. You can either use Import by Reference or Publish and Subscribe to link the template file to the graphics program file. Import by Reference saves a bit on disk space, Publish and Subscribe is a bit more flexible. Graeme Forbes ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 11:36:36 +0000 From: bebb@ferndown.ate.slb.com (Malcolm Bebb) Subject: Word Oddities Sven Guckes (guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de), wrote in with a dual-word-weirdnesses question: >2) The index says something about 83 pages. > However, there seem to be only 73 pages. :-( If Tonya's suggestion to re-run the index doesn't give the right answer, make sure that any hidden text is hidden - as in not showing on the monitor :-) I've found that running an index with Show hidden text enabled can cause errors in an index. Good luck, Malcolm bebb@ferndown.ate.slb.com (Usual disclaimers apply) mbebb@cix.compulink.co.uk ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 16:26:33 -0500 (EST) From: 00bkpickeril@leo.bsuvc.bsu.edu Subject: Word temp files and recovery Hi Info-Mac readers, I've noticed that Word Temp files seem much less prevalent in version 5.1 than they did in version 4 and version 3.02. They used to be left quite often in the system folder, but sometimes they could be very useful at _recovering_ unsaved changes by launching the temp file with the document you were trying to recover. Is this no longer supported? MS seemed to get a fair amount of flak about the temp files multiplying in the system folder. Is this still worth trying, or was this feature given up in an earlier version? I experimented by force quitting, but there was no temp file left to work with. Thanks in advance, --Brian Pickerill <00bkpickeril@leo.bsuvc.bsu.edu> ------------------------------ End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************